Tuesday, November 13, 2012

"50 Cents A Piece"

"A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones." Proverbs 17:22

Mark and I have created a new game called 50 Cents  A Piece. It became a great dose of fun between the two of us and I can honestly say that it has become one of my favorite pastimes for us as a married couple to keep the laughs coming! Here's how it works:

It happens...all the time. YOU forget something. You look someone in the eyes but can't remember their name, you watch an awesome movie but can't recall the title later, you stare at a basic utensil but can't call it what it is. Sometimes our minds just....take a break. It also never seems to fail that the person standing next to you knows exactly whatever it is that's escaped your mind is called and will take every opportunity to taunt you of your forgetfulness. This happens to me all the time so naturally Mark and I made a game out of it.

Hints are allowed, but with a price. Every time you ask for a hint, you lose $.50 - but you get a hint, right?! Woohoo! The catch -- your opponent gets a free hint. Keep track of those hints 'cuz they add up! $$$

You cannot research the internet, the library, newspaper, friends, t.v. - ANYTHING - for help. You have to come up with the answer all on your own.

Whoever remembers their forgotten name firs wins!

The loser owes the winner a treat from however much he spent in hints.

This game became quite hilarious after awhile and every time and often if I wanted something or Mark wanted something, it's was always pretty fun to tease each other with the bragging rights of knowing the answer to the other's forgetfulness (not to mention a no-harm-done game of definite competition). The hints became hilarious and the brainteasers are quite entertaining! Here's how ours ended up:

Mark's scenario: One day, I was talking about a car antenna. Mark laughed at me for how I pronounced the word and began teasing me about it. A few days later when he went to bring it up again, he couldn't remember the actual word. I jumped on that and beat it to the ground.

His purchased hints:
  • It's black
  • it's part of every car
  • starts with an "A"
  • makes noise when disturbed by wind (the hint that gave it away)

My scenario: Mark was making fun of me one day while I complained about my work/school schedule. He quoted a movie in which, "It has been a LONG.DAY." was said. I froze, knowing that I'd heard that phrase before and that it was hilarious for the both of us but I couldn't for the life of me remember what movie it was from! Drove me nuts.

My purchased hints:
  • It was said on a couch in a house
  • by a black woman
  • it was a movie, not a YouTube sensation

In the end, he won victoriously (quite excitedly, might I add) and now I owe him $2.50 in what will probably be ice cream. Works out quite nicely since in our budget we are allotted a certain amount of money each month to ourselves and he gets to enjoy my share. ;)

So! Go ahead and try it! Let me know what you think and who won! :)

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